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Directory Topics Posts Last Post
Forum Rules
The rules for posting on the forum...PLEASE READ!!!
Topics: 1 Posts: 11
Last Post: Forum Rules
1 11
How To Donate...Please Read!!!
The place to learn how to donate.
Topics: 1 Posts: 10
Last Post: How To Donate
1 10
by msmahi
How To Change Themes On The Forum...Please Read!!!
The place to learn how to change themes on the forum.
Topics: 1 Posts: 6
1 6
How To Add GIFs, TikTok, Tweets, Twitch, and Instagram to your posts.
The place to learn how to add GIFs, TikTok, Tweets, Twitch, and Instagram to your posts.
Topics: 1 Posts: 17
1 17
Adding Your Country Of Origin To Your Profile
The place to discuss how to add your country of origin to your profile.
Topics: 1 Posts: 2
1 2
How To Pick Up An App For Black Men's Zone.
This is the place to discuss picking up the App for blackmenszone.com .
Topics: 1 Posts: 7
1 7
by msmahi
This is the place where you post first. Come on in and introduce yourselves. Tell everyone how you found this forum.
Topics: 332 Posts: 417
332 417
Discuss various topics here.
Topics: 257 Posts: 738
257 738
Discuss News taking place in the U.S. and all over the world.
Topics: 3,778 Posts: 6,143
3,778 6,143
Local News
The place to discuss local news going on in your city or state.
Topics: 230 Posts: 366
230 366
Other News
The place to discuss other types of news. The news here would be considered mundane to alot of the members on this board.
Topics: 105 Posts: 125
105 125
Weather News
The place to discuss news about the weather.
Topics: 73 Posts: 106
73 106
The Occurrence Of Natural Disasters
The place to discuss the occurrence of natural disasters around the world.
Topics: 21 Posts: 33
21 33
The Environment
The place to discuss news about the environment.
Topics: 14 Posts: 18
14 18
Racism And Racist Encounters
The place to discuss racism and racist encounters that black men have experienced, or face.
Topics: 61 Posts: 179
61 179
Discuss issues in society that affect black men.
Topics: 173 Posts: 612
173 612
Racist Incidents
The place to discuss racist incidents taking places all around the country and all around the world.
Topics: 11 Posts: 13
11 13
Black Male Success Stories
The place to discuss black male success stories.
Topics: 9 Posts: 15
9 15
Good And Bad Encounters with Other People
The place to discuss good and bad encounters when dealing with people.
Topics: 2 Posts: 10
2 10
Black Men Dealing With Other Groups, And Their Experiences With Racism
The place to discuss black men dealing with other groups and their experiences with racism.
Topics: 3 Posts: 7
3 7
Encounters With Law-Enforcement
The place to discuss encounters with law enforcement.
Topics: 20 Posts: 26
20 26
Hate Crimes
The place to discuss hate crimes.
Topics: 10 Posts: 15
10 15
Criminal Cases
The place to discuss criminal cases going on in the news.
Topics: 5 Posts: 5
5 5
The place to discuss relationships.
Topics: 31 Posts: 67
31 67
Discuss all things sports-related.
Topics: 504 Posts: 916
504 916
Baseball (7/12)
Basketball (68/105)
Boxing (64/116)
Football (96/153)
Golf (6/8)
Gymnastics (3/3)
Hockey (1/1)
NASCAR (1/1)
Soccer(Football) (60/132)
Swimming (3/3)
Tennis (6/11)
UFC/MMA (5/11)
Wrestling (0/0)
Discuss things taking place in the media.
Topics: 147 Posts: 304
147 304
Tech And Computing
Discuss all things related to technology and computers.
Topics: 109 Posts: 231
109 231
Modern Technology
The place to discuss modern technology and breakthroughs in technology.
Topics: 28 Posts: 76
28 76
Gaming And Entertainment
Discuss games and entertainment.
Topics: 201 Posts: 401
201 401
Gaming Consoles
The place to discuss gaming consoles.
Topics: 34 Posts: 40
34 40
Tech Talk
The place to discuss various topics in the world of computing, and other subjects in regards to personal computing.
Topics: 19 Posts: 25
19 25
The place to discuss entertainment.
Topics: 7 Posts: 23
7 23
The place to discuss pool.
Topics: 4 Posts: 5
4 5
Health And Fitness
Discuss all things related to health and fitness.
Topics: 44 Posts: 119
44 119
Health And Well-Being
The place to discuss health and well-being.
Topics: 22 Posts: 36
22 36
Age And Getting Older
The place to discuss age and getting older.
Topics: 2 Posts: 2
2 2
Bodybuilding, Weightlifting, and Working Out
The place to discuss bodybuilding, weightlifting, and working out.
Topics: 4 Posts: 12
4 12
Street Fights and Fighting.
The place to discuss scuffles and other types of fighting.
Topics: 1 Posts: 4
1 4
Banking and Investment
The place to discuss banking and investment.
Topics: 4 Posts: 4
4 4
The place to discuss economics.
Topics: 15 Posts: 21
15 21
The Economy
The place to discuss the economy
Topics: 7 Posts: 7
7 7
Discuss all things business-related here.
Topics: 28 Posts: 86
28 86
Black Businesses
The place to list black businesses.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
Financial Literacy
The place to discuss financial literacy.
Topics: 2 Posts: 2
2 2
The place to discuss jobs.
Topics: 53 Posts: 59
53 59
Stocks, Real-Estate, Crypto, and Investment
The place to discuss Stocks, Real-Estate, Crypto, and Investing.
Topics: 24 Posts: 64
24 64
Sales And Latest Deals
The place to post, and discuss, sales and latest deals on various products.
Topics: 19 Posts: 44
19 44
My Favorite Wish List
The place to discuss your wish list about what you want to buy in the near future.
Topics: 1 Posts: 3
1 3
Illnesses, Cures, Medication, and Treatment.
The place to talk about illnesses and ways to cure, or treat, them.
Topics: 45 Posts: 79
45 79
Medical News
The place to discuss medical news.
Topics: 5 Posts: 7
5 7
The place to discuss politics.
Topics: 89 Posts: 147
89 147
The place to discuss things going on in the government.
Topics: 6 Posts: 6
6 6
The place to discuss the passing of laws in the U.S. Government
Topics: 7 Posts: 18
7 18
Food And Recipes
The place to discuss food and recipes.
Topics: 27 Posts: 77
27 77
Food And Eating
The place to discuss food and eating.
Topics: 23 Posts: 40
23 40
The Immigration Discussion
The place to discuss immigration and your feelings about it.
Topics: 132 Posts: 174
132 174
Home And Gardening
The place to discuss home and gardening.
Topics: 4 Posts: 20
4 20
Housing And Places To Live
The places to discuss housing and places to live.
Topics: 53 Posts: 77
53 77
Real Estate
The place to discuss real estate.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Movies And Shows
The place to discuss your favorite movies and shows.
Topics: 115 Posts: 210
115 210
The place to discuss what's on T.V.
Topics: 4 Posts: 7
4 7
The place to discuss your favorite cartoons.
Topics: 16 Posts: 68
16 68
The place to discuss your favorite anime.
Topics: 6 Posts: 25
6 25
Discuss all things music-related here.
Topics: 161 Posts: 278
161 278
Favorite YouTuber's Videos
A place to post and discuss your favorite YouTuber's videos.
Topics: 6 Posts: 7
6 7
Celebrity News
The place to discuss news about celebrities.
Topics: 512 Posts: 901
512 901
The place to discuss the study of plant life.
Topics: 2 Posts: 3
2 3
Religion And Spirituality
The place to discuss religion and spirituality.
Topics: 61 Posts: 105
61 105
Near-Death Experiences And The Afterlife
The place to discuss near-death experiences and the afterlife.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
The discussion on how to obtain passports for many people on here looking to travel.
Topics: 5 Posts: 7
5 7
The place to discuss traveling.
Topics: 20 Posts: 59
20 59
The place to discuss education.
Topics: 60 Posts: 97
60 97
Art and Graphics Design
The place to discuss art and graphics design.
Topics: 6 Posts: 18
6 18
The place to discuss history.
Topics: 36 Posts: 74
36 74
The place to discuss science.
Topics: 49 Posts: 69
49 69
The place to discuss the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.
Topics: 6 Posts: 8
6 8
The place to discuss the branch of science concerned with fossil animals and plants.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
The place to discuss the study of the origin and development of human societies and cultures.
Topics: 3 Posts: 3
3 3
The place to discuss biology.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
The place to discuss research.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
Earth And Outer Space
The place to discuss things going on with Earth and Outer Space.
Topics: 40 Posts: 66
40 66
Aliens and Extraterrestrial Life
The place to discuss Aliens and Extraterrestrial life.
Topics: 19 Posts: 48
19 48
The Earth and It's Health
The place to discuss the earth and it's health.
Topics: 10 Posts: 14
10 14
The place to discuss cultures. FBA culture as well as other cultures.
Topics: 13 Posts: 34
13 34
Foundational Black American News and Other Black People's News All Around the World
The place to discuss news happening with FBA's and Black people all around the world.
Topics: 23 Posts: 48
23 48
Cars, Motorcycles, and Automotives
The place to discuss your favorite cars, motorcycles, and automotive vehicles.
Topics: 157 Posts: 299
157 299
Ships, The Seas, And Oceans
The place to discuss ships sailing on the seas and oceans.
Topics: 10 Posts: 12
10 12
The place to discuss flying.
Topics: 3 Posts: 3
3 3
Fashion And Clothing
The place to discuss your favorite clothes and shoes, as well as the latest fashion trends.
Topics: 24 Posts: 48
24 48
Computer Programming
The place to discuss programming in many different languages.
Topics: 4 Posts: 22
4 22
The Barber Shop
The place to discuss hair cutting and other different styles.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
My Favorite PC and Tech Wish List.
The place to discuss, and come up with, your wish list for computer parts to upgrade or build a custom PC. It's also the place to discuss buying Pre-Built PC's as well.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
Last Post: My Dream Rig.
1 1
PC Building
The place to discuss how to custom-build a PC.
Topics: 19 Posts: 68
19 68
The place to discuss pets.
Topics: 21 Posts: 28
21 28
Animals, Insects, and Wildlife
The place to discuss animals, insects, and wildlife.
Topics: 62 Posts: 93
62 93
The place to discuss your favorite books.
Topics: 6 Posts: 21
6 21
The place to discuss firearms.
Topics: 23 Posts: 41
23 41
Black Men And The Military
The place to discuss black men in the military, and their issues.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
The Military
The place to discuss thing going on in the military.
Topics: 5 Posts: 8
5 8
Self-Defense and Survival Military Strategies
The place to discuss self-defense and survival military strategies.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Death, Near-Death Experiences, and the Afterlife
The place to discuss death, near-death experiences, and the afterlife.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
War and Battle
The place to discuss wars and battles; past, present, and future.
Topics: 23 Posts: 29
23 29
Other Topics
The place to discuss other topics.
Topics: 24 Posts: 54
24 54
The place to discuss telecommunications.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Book Book
Purchase (D.O.D) Diary Of DarkOneSun here.
Topics: 2 Posts: 9
2 9
BMZ Book Club
The place to get together to read, and discuss, books.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
Site Suggestions and Feedback
The place to discuss suggestions for the site, and feedback.
Topics: 1 Posts: 5
Last Post: relationships
1 5
BMB...Black Men Build
The place where black men,hardcore, come together to discuss nothing but building.
Topics: 13 Posts: 37
13 37
My Other Websites
The place to put links to my other websites. Feel free to join.
Topics: 2 Posts: 2
2 2
Job listings
The place to put job listings on the forum. If you know of a good position that someone may be interested in, make a post about it here.
Topics: 4 Posts: 8
4 8
Tech And IT Jobs
The place to discuss jobs in Tech and Information Technology.
Topics: 2 Posts: 4
2 4
Black Men, and Jobs
The place to discuss the experiences going on with Black men and their jobs in Corporate America, or blue-collar jobs.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
FBA Reparations Discussion
The place to discuss reparations for Foundational Black Americans.
Topics: 43 Posts: 69
43 69
Other Sites
The place to put links to other websites
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Good Black Men Unite...
The place for black men to get together and discuss strategies to separate themselves from capricious n****s who are a threat.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
Miscellaneous Topics
The place to discuss miscellaneous topics.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
The Spam Channel
The place that people can put their spam in. Don't litter the rest of the board with your posts. Or you will be banned and then deleted. Also, I will remove the comments in this channel at my own discretion.
Topics: 57 Posts: 91
57 91

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There are currently 49 users online. 0 members and 49 guests.

Most users ever online was 1,434 at 12:45 AM on 04-11-2023.

Black Men's Zone Statistics


Topics: 8,499   Posts: 15,187   Members: 1,238   Active Members: 11
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  • jboldeniv
    Welcome Soul-N-Black24!
    by jboldeniv
    Dear Soul-N-Black24,

    Welcome to Black Men's Zone!

    Thank you for registering with us. We are glad you have chosen to be a part...
    1 day ago
  • jboldeniv
    Another person may have tried to kill Trump
    by jboldeniv
    Man, what's going on? It seems like a lot of people out there really hate Donald Trump.

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  • OJ006
    The Lamborghini Urus SE - Autotrader
    by OJ006
    This suv hybrid V8 is a beast. You can't say no to speed, power and utility. Take a look.
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  • jboldeniv
    Welcome Soul-N-Black24!
    by jboldeniv
    Dear Soul-N-Black24,

    Welcome to Black Men's Zone!

    Thank you for registering with us. We are glad you have chosen to be a part...
    1 day ago
  • jboldeniv
    Another person may have tried to kill Trump
    by jboldeniv
    Man, what's going on? It seems like a lot of people out there really hate Donald Trump.

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  • OJ006
    The Lamborghini Urus SE - Autotrader
    by OJ006
    This suv hybrid V8 is a beast. You can't say no to speed, power and utility. Take a look.
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  • OJ006
    The richest Black Person in America
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    I found this while up from my sleep. Its inportant to recognize our success where ever we are. I know Its hard out there. With focus and determination,...
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  • jboldeniv
    Dimitry Bivol vs. Artur Beterbiev
    by jboldeniv
    I just finished watching this fight. It looks like Beterbiev edged it out. However, Dimitry Bivol is a damn good fighter. It was a close match. Who...
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