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Craft reveals of non-human Origins- Michael Hanks

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  • Craft reveals of non-human Origins- Michael Hanks

    I will post two things on here which is the podcast and the article from the debrief about the new topic that has happened in the Pentagon. This might shatter everyone's perspective but whistleblowers are coming out for either working with the United States military or as a contractor working in special projects . These special projects are I would consider to be off the books . With the advancements of your military Technologies in the United States I always wonder if people really understand where that technology comes from . Allegedly there was a whistleblower that has come out that has indicated that there are technologies that are from non human Origins that are reverse engineered since the last 100 years of your timeline in the United States . If this is true and the backing of this individual is sound this would change everything . With the new laws that have been passed in Congress to have the ability for people who work in these industries to come out the question is how much is too much for the public to know that there are life beyond our solar system. Please take a look.
    This week, a whistleblower has claimed the U.S. government is withholding information about non-human craft from Congress.

  • #2
    Listen to this episode from The Micah Hanks Program on Spotify. Is the United States in possession of anomalous craft of non-human origin? Has this information been illegally kept from Congress? These are among the questions raised by a bombshell story published in The Debrief by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal who, in 2017, reframed the public debate about unidentified aerial phenomena in an article published in The New York Times. Now, a former intelligence official, David Charles Grusch, has come forward and filed a complaint with the Intelligence Community Inspector General alleging that knowledge of such retrievals of non-human craft has been illegally kept from Congress.  This week on The Micah Hanks Program, Kean and Blumenthal join me to discuss the story, the investigative process behind it, and how it all came together. Then later in the program, co-founder of The Debrief and investigative reporter Tim McMillan joins us to discuss the vetting and research process behind the scenes prior to the article's publication.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Sonic boom over DC: No survivors found after small plane crashes in Virginia Is it real or made by AI? Europe wants a label for that as it fights disinformation   KEAN & BLUMENTHAL: Intelligence Officials Say U.S. Has Retrieved Craft of Non-Human Origin BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at micahhanks.com.

