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Feed your ex 'to the lions' for just $10: Scorned lovers can name a cockroach after their former significant other that an animal devours at the San Antonio Zoo on Valentine's Day.

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  • Feed your ex 'to the lions' for just $10: Scorned lovers can name a cockroach after their former significant other that an animal devours at the San Antonio Zoo on Valentine's Day.

    If there are two things that I cannot stand, are cockroaches, and rats. There is nothing wore than have German Cockroaches. They spread like wildfire, and they are VERY hard to get rid of. I had them in the apartment that I lived in. It was terrible. We had to move because of the cockroaches. They are gross.
    The San Diego Zoo is hosting its annual 'Cry me a Cockroach' event that lets scorned lovers name a cockroach or rodent that is then fed to an animal - and for $150 you can send the video to your ex.