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Yasuke (Black Samurai) on Netflix

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  • Yasuke (Black Samurai) on Netflix

    Anyone watch it yet? I've been meaning to watch it but i've been so packed with work lately
  • #2

    I've seen only about one episode so far, it seems interesting enough. But I can't be sure just yet. I've also heard a little of controversy that they rewrote his story, this shouldn't be a surprise by now, but I'm not as clear on his actual story so I can't speak on that.


    • #3

      ahh gotcha gotcha, yeah I remember hearing somewhere that they made his story more of an anime style down the line, like he'll end up fighting some monsters or something when the story develops. I may have to make that plunge then this weekend hahaa


      • #4

        Yeah I watched it it’s good.! The fantasy part kind of takes away from the fact that Yasuke was a real black samurai. Although overall it was a great anime.! And I kind of disliked how they did Nobunaga, they bogus for that though.!


        • #5

          Its a very interesting anime and yes that sucks on Nobunaga part. On the other hand the plot has a fantasy lure a bit. kind of reminds me a little of Avatar the Last Airbender. 9/10 is my answer to this anme.


          • #6

            That show was dope! i like how (in the show) the asian community he lived amongst hated on him for being a black man while at the same time he didn't let it phase him and remained unstoppable and the best of the best, and a more trustworthy individual than anyone else. Highly recommended whether you're into anime or not, just a great show in general.


            • #7

              Good stuff! I may have to bring back my review channel and some reviews after watching each episode, cant' wait!


              • #8

                I've watched the anime and it was absolutely fantastic. I recommend everybody watching that TV show.

