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The Man-Not: Race, Class, Genre, and the Dilemmas of Black Manhood

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  • The Man-Not: Race, Class, Genre, and the Dilemmas of Black Manhood

    I suggest this book for 3 main reason: It is a book by a Black author, by a Black male author, and it is in depth about Black male disposability. I am currently reading it, but just after reading the Introduction I know this book will be full of useful and necessary information for Black men. Dr. Tommy Curry wrote something serious and all Black American men should seriously view it. A short quote
    I write to you from a world where an innocent Black man can be deprived of decades from his life and convicted of rape because his face came to a woman in a dream as her rapist. This is the precariousness that has come to define what Black men and boys endure as life. I write this book to give voice to the Black male coerced into silence: his experiences denied within disciplines and his realities refused by theory.

  • #2
    Originally posted by GreenJagWar View Post
    I suggest this book for 3 main reason: It is a book by a Black author, by a Black male author, and it is in depth about Black male disposability. I am currently reading it, but just after reading the Introduction I know this book will be full of useful and necessary information for Black men. Dr. Tommy Curry wrote something serious and all Black American men should seriously view it. A short quote
    That book sounds pretty good.

