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Being an Entrepreneur

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  • Being an Entrepreneur

    Hello fellas, I am going to start a media production company, but I'm nervous about getting into it and making enough to live from it. I changed my career from IT because my heart wasn't in it and I was very unfulfilled in doing that type of work. I also attended the LA Film school for a little bit and got gamed up in what it takes to make motion pictures.

  • #2
    Originally posted by ABomb View Post
    Hello fellas, I am going to start a media production company, but I'm nervous about getting into it and making enough to live from it. I changed my career from IT because my heart wasn't in it and I was very unfulfilled in doing that type of work. I also attended the LA Film school for a little bit and got gamed up in what it takes to make motion pictures.
    Sounds interesting. Go for it bruh. Especially, if it's what you love to do.


    • #3
      Brother I believe we as entrepreneurs need to put everything we have into our business as if its all we have. Our businesses are part of our freedom as a people.


      • #4
        What are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want? Time, health, youth, relationships?

        As an entrepreneur, you'll feel the right direction you should be taking but along the way, you get to choose and deny yourself of various things. Is it worth it? Only you can decide.
        Last edited by glynch; 04-24-2021, 03:08 PM.


        • #5
          In my opinion, it could help to take a step back. Pull out a nice-sized sheet of paper or whiteboard and map out your plan for the next 5 years (if you haven't already). It should increase your confidence about the moves you're making. Also, don't sleep on what pays the bills while you climb, because the funding will have to come from somewhere if you can't get your hands on local funding. You don't have to feel intimidated by it, but what you should do is research... Research... RESEARCH.

          Look at styles in terms of film, find out what you like and how you can do the most with industry standards so you don't break the bank. Another area of research should definitely be your potential clients. If you're going into production, you have a host of potential clients. There are rappers all over Cali and if you can deliver a solid product, people talk (they also talk about those rates so find out what keeps the lights on + what helps you grow). You also have YouTubers who want that professional touch. Also, don't hesitate to collab and assist, a lot can come from that.

          I'm sure you're making short films, but also consider making some of those shorts work for your benefit via Youtube. That will also double as an advertisement. I hope this helps.


          • #6
            Excellent advice bruh.


            • #7
              If you're able to do it on the side while saving up that can def. be ideal depending on your current finances. I'm actually doing something similar but more towards the SEO/video editing side for others as well as going full 100% on my several YT channels I manage. A great site to find some potential clients is upwork! Can get some good pay, and you'll have that work time flexiblity to start producing for your biz. Excited to hear more about it and wha type of direction you're shooting for!

