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Anybody on here into Crypto?

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  • Anybody on here into Crypto?

    Is anybody on here into Crypto? I have been wondering about it for a long time. Does anybody on here know how to get into Crypto?

  • #2
    Yeah use platforms like Robinhood or Coinbase. Stay away from Crypto.com, they recently released a statement stating that if they were to go bankrupt, no one will receive their money back.


    • #3
      Thanks for the advice bruh.


      • #4
        I was slightly interested in mining aspect because seemed like less scammability. But the folks with money quickly pushed out, made it hard for the little people like me to get in, with out already having some type of angle(cheap electricity, already have a lot of money, co oping with a group,) that's giving me advantage. The straight software side is sooo scammy to me. I feel when you jump in it now, you have to almost be with like a group, so you can have multiple hopefully keeping up with different aspects of it. I also wanted to get VIA NFT, don't look like that's happening scammers couldn't resist, it's like damn could you atleast let the idea mature first before you start scamming?

