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I think this is business related, I think I need a small business coach. Because as much stuff that is out here, I'm not sure what I actually need to apply for and get to protect my stuff

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  • I think this is business related, I think I need a small business coach. Because as much stuff that is out here, I'm not sure what I actually need to apply for and get to protect my stuff

    Like would having a LLC protect my game asset from someone just ripping them and putting them in their game? I know all these people mainly indie people that have games on mobile devices, STEAM, Xbox, didn't have lawyers, as some of them are straight up teenagers, that just did it while using their school equipment.

    I am just thought I'd throw a post up asking. I'm still researching for someone or service that will fit my sitaution but I definitely welcome any suggestions.
    My last sort of help was a friend recommended a lawyer he know I should reach out to. But I got no response from that, as he may have just been busy and I'm small time, so no big money for to a full blown lawyer.