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Everyone should have a net worth of Million Dollars by age 45 to 55

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  • Everyone should have a net worth of Million Dollars by age 45 to 55

    I was playing golf with a friend that a grew up with. He told me yo man we must hurry up because I must go play my numbers. I said how much do you spend on numbers $25 a week. He said no man you do not want to know, I said how much stop playing - $65 a day he told me. Let us do the Math $65 x 365 days in a year = $23,725 yearly x 20 years = $ 474,500. If he had put that money in an investment account, like I told him 20 years ago he would have a net worth of a million dollars. It makes me sad when I see brothers 40 Plus years of age still living from paycheck to pay.
    I have acquired a lot of knowledge over the last 40 years - I can share some of the things that I know will work in building generational wealth. I am an average black man that started from ZERO.
    The first step to building wealth is to find a good partner (a wife that is a rider).

  • #2
    Originally posted by Builder View Post
    I was playing golf with a friend that a grew up with. He told me yo man we must hurry up because I must go play my numbers. I said how much do you spend on numbers $25 a week. He said no man you do not want to know, I said how much stop playing - $65 a day he told me. Let us do the Math $65 x 365 days in a year = $23,725 yearly x 20 years = $ 474,500. If he had put that money in an investment account, like I told him 20 years ago he would have a net worth of a million dollars. It makes me sad when I see brothers 40 Plus years of age still living from paycheck to pay.
    I have acquired a lot of knowledge over the last 40 years - I can share some of the things that I know will work in building generational wealth. I am an average black man that started from ZERO.
    The first step to building wealth is to find a good partner (a wife that is a rider).
    Good info bruh.


    • #3
      The 1st step is to acquire or cultivate a skill (or set of skills) you can monetize. Finding a romantic partner (male/female/or nonbinary) who also brings assets to the partnership is icing on the cake.

      Investing in real estate is a great place to start. Lastly, life insurance. Everyone dies. Why not collect on a policy?


      • #4
        Most of the people I know had beautiful weddings that were expensive. I do not have anything against weddings; most young couples cannot afford a wedding.

        Couples spend 5 to 40 thousand dollars on a wedding. I convinced my wife not to have a wedding but purchased a home in 1994 for $49,000. We used the money we had for a wedding as a down payment to purchase our first home. This move was the start of our generation's wealth-building journey. We paid the house off in full in 15 years. We bought another home in 2008 so, the first home became a rental property ($650 monthly). Let us do the math – We made $7,800 annually for 13 years for a total of
        $101,400. The property is now worth around $200,000 today. If I had a wedding, I would have photos, videos, and memories.

        My first move in creating generation wealth was finding a partner wife, Second move purchase real estate. Most men do not even want to have a wedding; that is what the woman wants because my wife is a rider; she gave up her dream of having a big wedding for us to start building generational wealth. I am just sharing how I create generational wealth and what works for my family.


        • #5
          "she gave up her dream of having a big wedding for us to start building generational wealth. " I love this part, yes generational wealth is key! Something that i'm working on now while i'm still in my 20's so by the time i'm older it'll be much easier for my future family to keep this money going for generations to come


          • #6
            In our community, it takes both parents to work to survive. When my wife was pregnant with our second child, she was an assistant manager for a fast-food restaurant. She called me at work one day and said she went to the bathroom and she was bleeding, the WS manager told her she could not leave work until her shift was over. I left work to go get her and take her to the hospital. When I got there, she was sitting in the dining area holding her stomach in pain. I told her to get her your **** to let us go, the WS manager told me she could not leave. I turned that store out, I told him if you say one more word to me, I am going to whip your *** and if something happens to her or our baby, we are going to be owning this restaurant. He shut the hell up and we left the store. The regional manager called her the next day apologizing, give her the next 2 weeks off with pay. They moved her to a store that was closing, she basically went to work and read books all day. I decide that my wife and daughter would never work in corporate America and take orders from WS ever again. We brought an old ice cream truck fixed it up and started our first business (vending truck business). Working 3 days a week on the truck replaced her weekly pay at the restaurant. We must get our women out of these corporate jobs they are being abused and taken advantage of and do not even realize it. My wife thanks me for saving her from the corporate plantation. The most high has given us all gifts and talents use them to benefit your family to create generational wealth. Creating generational wealth is a team sport and everyone in the family must bring their A-game. (HUSBAND, WIFE, ADULT CHILDREN AND THEIR SPOUSES)


            • #7
              Capitalism is the reason we are in the condition that we are in today.


              • Builder
                Builder commented
                Editing a comment
                Capitalism - an economic and political system in which a country's the trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit rather than by the state.

            • #8
              Originally posted by Builder View Post
              In our community, it takes both parents to work to survive. When my wife was pregnant with our second child, she was an assistant manager for a fast-food restaurant. She called me at work one day and said she went to the bathroom and she was bleeding, the WS manager told her she could not leave work until her shift was over. I left work to go get her and take her to the hospital. When I got there, she was sitting in the dining area holding her stomach in pain. I told her to get her your **** to let us go, the WS manager told me she could not leave. I turned that store out, I told him if you say one more word to me, I am going to whip your *** and if something happens to her or our baby, we are going to be owning this restaurant. He shut the hell up and we left the store. The regional manager called her the next day apologizing, give her the next 2 weeks off with pay. They moved her to a store that was closing, she basically went to work and read books all day. I decide that my wife and daughter would never work in corporate America and take orders from WS ever again. We brought an old ice cream truck fixed it up and started our first business (vending truck business). Working 3 days a week on the truck replaced her weekly pay at the restaurant. We must get our women out of these corporate jobs they are being abused and taken advantage of and do not even realize it. My wife thanks me for saving her from the corporate plantation. The most high has given us all gifts and talents use them to benefit your family to create generational wealth. Creating generational wealth is a team sport and everyone in the family must bring their A-game. (HUSBAND, WIFE, ADULT CHILDREN AND THEIR SPOUSES)
              Needed to read this, this morning. I'm glad you were able to help out your wife and start that business instead of being idle and weak like our society wants a lot of us men to be like nowadays. That story reminded me of my dad and you're right, creating generational wealth is something the whole family must be bringing their A-game in and something i'm working towards still right now so i'll be in a better position for my future kids!


              • #9
                The most fearful thing for the WS is not the strong black man, not the strong black woman; it is the BLACK FAMILY on code. That has always been the goal of the WS, to break up the black family. You have to ask yourself why? If we have communities full of Black Families on code, the WS know we would run the world. Unfortunately, many men and women did not grow up with a man or woman who taught them the code and showed them how to function in a family. I thank God for my father and grandfather. When my wife and I were dating, she went with me to the hospital to visit my grandfather in his last days. He asked her to get him something; when she left the room, he told me, you better stop playing and be a man and marry that girl you already have a child. Man Code – If a girl is good enough for you to lay down with, she is good enough to marry her. If you don't want to marry her. You better not get her pregnant.

                What type of business make more money, a sole proprietor or a corporation? Corporations!! I always view my wife and kids as my most significant assets.
                I learned the best way to run a family is to run it like a corporation. Before you form a corporation, you have a meeting to write the article of the corporation. Before you get married and start a family, you should write the article of the family—the articles of incorporation outline the governance of a corporation and the corporate bylaws.
                Every person in the family needs a job title with a job description, and family bylaws are the family's rules. It would be best if you established family rules before you get married; many people go into a marriage blind without a plan for creating wealth or caring for their family. I will give a few examples of family bylaws: We will not disrespect each other. We will not share our problems with friends or relatives. We will always work to bring in income into the family. We will live below our means and invest money only in things that will yield us a return. Negotiate the terms of the marriage before marriage. If you cannot reconcile the terms of the marriage, DO NOT GET MARRIED until you can come into an agreement. Create your family structure.

                President Father
                Vice-President Mother
                Financial Officer Father
                Operations Officer Father
                Event Planer Mother
                Educational Director Mother

                Give your wife a title with responsible and hold her to, she will feel that she is part of the team, your family name is your brand. (The Clintons, The Rockefellers, The Bushes, etc.)


                • #10
                  Capitalism is a good thing. You have to learn the rules of capitalism and play the game to the best of your ability. They won't teach you the rules in school. The school will teach how to become an employee, not the owner. No one will teach you how to use capitalism to gain wealth, and you have to learn on your own.

                  You can become a shareholder in a publicly-traded company, thus reaping the companies' benefits. Banks, Life insurance, IRA, 401k plans invest your money into private owners for profit.

                  My suggested reading list. I have read these books in the '90s when drugs, crack, and mass incarceration was at their all-time high. The crackheads were walking around like the walking dead. Babies being born addicted to crack, woman, giving BJ in public for 5 dollars. Capitalism was my way out, so I learned how to play the game. I wanted to be the lender, not the borrower, the head, not the tail, the first millionaire in my family, not the first to go to college and get a job working for the corporate plantation.

                  Becoming a millionaire starting with 0 will take 20 to 30 years of hard work and grinding every day. When you get there, it is GREAT life with no stress passing down generational wealth. Being Black first generational millionaire, 90 percent of us will start from 0!!!!! The next generation will build off of the first generation and so on.

                  Black labor White power - Claude Anderson
                  Black Economic - Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu
                  The Richest Man in Babylon - George Carlson
                  Think and Grow Rich Naplone Hill
                  The Millionaire Next Door Naplone Hill

                  Proverbs 10:4
                  He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by Builder View Post
                    [SIZE=18px]Capitalism is a good thing.
                    No it isn't. It's the reason why we have a classist system now which benefits the rich and not the whole.


                    • #12
                      If rich people are the problem, have you ever considered becoming rich? There has been the rich and the poor since the beginning of time. You have to make a personal decision I'm going to wealthy, or I'm going to be poor. This world is about gaining and controlling wealth; if you think for one minute the rich are going to hand over their control because you cry about them taking advantage of you, your delusional. Get in the wealth-building game and fight like a true black man. Becoming rich in our community is going to be a long and hard road. My ancestors endured the cruelest punishment in human history. I owe it to them to create generational wealth because wealth is power, and the WS took their power. I want that power back. Without wealth, you have no control. So learn the rules and get your head in the game because you will not change the game.

