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YouTube Support: Both Sides Of The Coin

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  • YouTube Support: Both Sides Of The Coin

    Creators: Looking for subs, likes, and views for your content?

    Consider the type of content you're serving up to your viewers, are you mirroring another channel or does it give a unique feel? Continue to improve where you can if it's something you plan on doing long term, but make sure you have something else going on because YouTube isn't the end all be all (there are a lot of broke Black Youtubers). Always keep that in mind (never put all your eggs in one basket... especially if you don't own the basket).

    SDGT Entertainment used YouTube as video storage for our platform for the longest, but the site has its benefits.

    Viewers: Do you want your favorite YouTubers to flourish? Do you want to help a certain channel grow?

    The answer is easy for me. If you like the content a channel has and you actually watch the videos, consider subscribing and like the videos. I don't watch all the videos of channels I subscribe to because I don't always have the time, but I know that the creator is trying to get somewhere like we are. Views go a long way, but the subscriber count opens the door to increased features for content creators to do more for you, gives the ability to monetize, and obtain potential sponsors. Black businesses need places to advertise also. I found this forum based on an ad.

    I can't dictate what channels you like or subscribe to, but think of what it could do for content creators in our community.

  • #2
    I totally agree, I always try and subscribe to a Black channel even if I don't care or agree with the creator, especially if they talk about Black issues.


    • #3
      Great notes, def. agree as well, especially this part "Black businesses need places to advertise also. I found this forum based on an ad."

