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Seens like wasted effort...Why research how to simulate exhaust sound or exhaust pipe when you can't see anything..I can only feel this is speaker..

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  • Seens like wasted effort...Why research how to simulate exhaust sound or exhaust pipe when you can't see anything..I can only feel this is speaker..

  • #2
    You're absolutely correct on this matter, at first I thought this is a very interesting way of showing an emotion of an electric vehicle by putting in sound with the vehicle. For example the video that you have here with the Dodge charger Electric concept. I would say this, if you really do prefer to have the sound and act as if you can go faster at 0 to 60 in less than 2.5 seconds for example, will attempt you to purchase an electric vehicle? It's a fact people who have a Tesla don't care if there are sounds when it comes out of the vehicle they like the quality the luxury and the speed of the vehicle without the reverberation of an internal combustion engine. There are some and I will admit and they're out there, that feel that there is no emotion with an electric car. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Not everybody is going to like electric cars for the sake of the zero sound. But that's just my opinion.

