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SMH looks good, I will probably see it because I'm a CGI head but it's only 1/2 of FUBUS so can't %100 promote it rock it, W.D.Y.T?

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  • SMH looks good, I will probably see it because I'm a CGI head but it's only 1/2 of FUBUS so can't %100 promote it rock it, W.D.Y.T?

    Haven't fully research the entire development just who made the trailer so far.

  • #2
    This is something I would like to do, I am working my way in that direction. I can do or know how to get done everything there. Just hard keep up the resources and motivation you know to do it just it because and to build up the portfolio. (And yes during the pandemic is what made me finally want to use try and use my 3D skill as to why don't already have a "portfolio". But this is somewhat where I want to be go with it. be a Texas based CGI T. Perry of sorts.


    • #3
      We don't need another Tyler Perry. His writing sux.

      Maybe Spike Lee.

      Have you started yet


      • #4
        Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post
        We don't need another Tyler Perry. His writing sux.

        Maybe Spike Lee.

        Have you started yet
        I was speaking over the ownership and having your own studio stuff, being able to have business doing CGI and game development that can hire our people.

        I have restarted my attempt again since the middle of 2021.

        To try and make a long story short, I went to school years ago to get in degree in "digital simulation" I finished actually overdid what was needed, I think.
        But because I called out I think at some point the department head taking their family friends to events on the department's budget, when we needed certain tools to be able to learn things (They didn't even want to put gaming tier PCs in the labs, no Wacom's or anything.) I lucked out towards the end of my AAS degree and got to work for a company Pi studios, hired to work on rockband video game. I couldn't be brought on as a artist because of no experience/and hadn't graduated supposedly, but I was brought on as QA/game tester, management at the game studio still said they would give me special projects so that could count as my internship while I'm working on rockband game. A supervisor there had to fill and send paper work to professor of the department my degree was under, this apparently never happened and I could not be involved with it as supposedly that would be like me messing with school records. Pretty much the entire time me working there paperwork never happened the way it was supposed to. Had no money, no friends that are lawyers, no family to fight and have my degree in stated. During this time my common law wife fell ill with lymphoma my went off air, just remember receiving a folder in the mail with some certificates saying I completed certain courses ignoring everything else thus no degree.

        This person Reni Abraham department head of HCCS Digital Simulation/Game development was racist against black people, her job was to build the program up off my and another brother's talent, but advertise with asian and white dudes. Did end up hiring them, with a cherry on top knowing they forced me and not sure of the other brother to teach and help them get better. My expertise* is generalist when it comes game development/CGI stuff since I have been forced to learn the different aspects of the industry. Which is why I'm still learning today at 41yrs.

        I say all that to say I actually have been trying to do this for years with different groups of people taking breaks either because of life events, or having to some job that takes away my time/energy. This version / time of me trying to do is focusing on seeing if I can just hire people to help me at different parts of development. Working on a video game now, it will be tower defense game with my/ our personality on it is the idea. I may try to make something else on the side before the full thing of that is released but at this moment, looking to see if I will find a UE4xxx developer who I pay to help fix the current issue holding me up. I have to upgrade to a newer version of the unreal engine 4.26 to 4.27. Something changed somewhere in their either scrip or C++ code stopping my implementation of you being able to control the mouse cursor on screen with the lett joystick on the xbox gamepad. Since my main skill set is not programming if I can't see what it is within the program VIA working backwards, my only other course of action is to redo the entire thing to see where the problem happened. Now just scale that up for however many systems I have in the game. Will take a long slow time to proceed this way.... to be continue my lunch up.


        • #5
          Good for you. I'm glad to see another brutha in tech

