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Is The Downfall Of Sean Combs Here? Have The Chickens Come Home To Roost?

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  • Is The Downfall Of Sean Combs Here? Have The Chickens Come Home To Roost?

    I grabbed this from another website. What do you all think brethern? You think that this is the end of P Diddy?

    So Cassie just drop kicked this closet rainbow ***** in court. Among the accusations are physical abuse, sex trafficking and rape. Including incidents where he pulled her hair out because she threatened to leave him so she shaved her hair to make up for it. Then another incident where he forced her to get ran through by a bunch of male prostitutes. Also, he offered her an 8 figure hush money arrangement and she said no.

    We all knew when that ***** started giving everybody back their publishing some **** about him wasn't going to be too far behind.

    Here's the story from CNN but this was originally reported by New York Times.

    I don't know about you but, my popcorn is salted, buttered and I'm ready for THIS!! This ***** BEEN needed to get told about!!​