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Name some characteristics or features of our culture. When I say culture, I mean FBA.

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  • Name some characteristics or features of our culture. When I say culture, I mean FBA.

    1. I will name one, our sense of humor. We have some of the best comedians who have ever lived that came out of our culture.
    2. Hip-Hop. Hip-Hop is a form of music that was majority made by FBA. Other groups have contributed to it.
    3.Our Resilience . Black people, no matter what they go thorough, dust it off, and keep going.
    You all name some others.

  • #2
    I think we got the southern food stuff. I will look to see what other people post.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Somebodysunclephil View Post
      I think we got the southern food stuff. I will look to see what other people post.
      What you posted is a good one.


      • Somebodysunclephil
        Somebodysunclephil commented
        Editing a comment
        i don't have many without researching since folks around my way were racists on my mother's side of the family between the light skinned and dark skinned. Then to be grown and find out your last name originates from Wales. Do that mean I double dip when asking for reparations? From the time my lineage in the UK then was probably brought over here when "Americans" wanted to do their own thing on a new land.

    • #4
      I see.

