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This was a good video, but the lady with the yellow hair need to stay on topic and not bring up her relationship thoughts,

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  • This was a good video, but the lady with the yellow hair need to stay on topic and not bring up her relationship thoughts,

    But I like this video because she brings a good point about the inferstructure and if they need to go to war with foreign entities not black that are taking resources or are in multiple African countries. The crazy part is (and I will say I haven't researched this, but it does show like a visual representation of our issues, One African continent but multiple seperate "countries" that don't or wan't cooperating. Also the Bishop dude didn't have a response for being WOKE but broke. This is what I'm currently navigating myself. Since obvisouly what you say online can be seen by entities you may not want to know your thoughts. He didn't answer the question clearly and I think he couldn't. I keep asking the question and no one gives a answer or suggestion because I haven't done anything or am not famous/popular or something.

    The hypothetical question I keep asking/ that doesn't necessarly pertian to myself because I'm not the only one that thinks this way.

    But again what do we as a black people have to offer someone who has suffered most of their lives but has come up on something that could probably be used not only to level up his life, but could be used to help his people? Like why would they give up their personal mission/goal and go down this path of like a religious* callling. Where you for go any comforts or opportunities you may come across.