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Parents raise kids to be obedient

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  • Parents raise kids to be obedient

    I got to thinking that a long time ago parents used to teach their kids how to fight, how to hunt, how to live off the land and how to be men and women in a very different type of society. And those children grew up with a purpose to help their clan, family, comrades. In monarchies some children were raised to be people of status who were due respect and those people not only had power but forever carried on the legacy of those who raised them.

    But in the 20th century it kind of seems like we aren't taught to be strong, or we aren't taught how to take care of our own but we're taught to be obedient to the law. Yeah we all are taught to respect our elders but I noticed that it's different having to see who you're supposed to look up to bend for someone else. We are taught to survive in the streets, not in a classroom. But at the same time alot of what we're taught in a classroom is propaganda. (Math, Science and knowing how to read and write I give credit to, but learning about the history of America seems to be a attempt at propaganda)

    So if we really wanted to see change for our people do you think it would be wise to raise our children like soldiers amd kings/queens and not unconsciously teaching them how to be slaves in a capitalist society?

  • #2
    King and queens yea but you gotta start off a prince/princess and it’s what we teach but it’s also what we show

