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I'm back in school...

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  • I'm back in school...

    Well, I am back in school taking some classes because I want to get two certifications in Java and C++, and it's difficult. I forgot how difficult college was. I graduated from the University in 2010. This one class that I am taking, I'm not sure if I am going to pass it. I already have my college degree in Computer Science, I am doing this to add these classes to my resume. Hopefully, I will finish this. Anybody on here in school, or either going back, or plan on attending on here? Share your thoughts.

  • #2
    I plan on getting my MBA

    I think you should call consider getting IT certifications. In the IT field that's what sets you apart


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post
      I plan on getting my MBA I think you should call consider getting IT certifications. In the IT field that's what sets you apart
      Sometime in the future, I may try to get Certifications in Google and Microsoft. Also I want to get my A+ too.

      via GIPHY


      • jasondreamweaver
        jasondreamweaver commented
        Editing a comment
        I was able to get into the IT field with just a willingness to learn.

        It's one of the few fields where you don't need a degree to make major bank.

        I got my A+ and within year I got a raise and another IT position.

        I wouldn't focus too much on the class bc there was a lot of people with BS in computer science that worked along side people with certs

    • #4
      That's good. You got your A+ too? That's great bruh. What type of IT position did you get? Do you program?

