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Fingerprint and Facial Recognition "Smart Gun" to hit the market.

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  • Fingerprint and Facial Recognition "Smart Gun" to hit the market.

    Now, this is clean right here. If you are not the owner, you can't even use the gun. It goes by fingerprint and facial recognition.
    The world’s first “smart gun” that prevents “unauthorized” people such as kids and criminals from firing it will be available soon. It will feature a fingerprint recognition system that will allow only the gun owner or people authorized by the owner to fire the gun. The gun is produced by the company Biofire, with representatives saying the technology could vastly improve gun safety. Gun-related accidents, homicides and suicides are the leading cause of death for children and teens in the US. Kloepfer said that while the firearm will not stop all gun misuse, if it could save “even one child’s life” then it is a worthy investment.