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Would YOU eat chicken grown in a lab? FDA says one type of cultivated meat is safe, paving the way for products to enter restaurants and grocery stores.

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  • Would YOU eat chicken grown in a lab? FDA says one type of cultivated meat is safe, paving the way for products to enter restaurants and grocery stores.

    Would anybody on here eat chicken grown in a lab? I don't think that I would.
    Lab-grown chicken developed by a California company will soon make its way to a supermarket or restaurant near you after today's FDA approval.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    Would anybody on here eat chicken grown in a lab? I don't think that I would.
    I'd have to see if my body can still handle a hot n spicy from Mc Dowel's then probably could handle that, but I bet it turns out to still be healthier to eat the insects.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Somebodysunclephil View Post

      I'd have to see if my body can still handle a hot n spicy from Mc Dowel's then probably could handle that, but I bet it turns out to still be healthier to eat the insects.
      LOL. I hear you bruh.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
        Would anybody on here eat chicken grown in a lab? I don't think that I would.
        I believe this is how we will eventually have that Kitchen in the Jetsons where you press a button and what ever you want is made for you

        I remember Neil Degrasse Tyson had tried beef made in a lab years ago and he's still here. He said it was going to be available soon. He wasn't lying


        • #5
          Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

          I believe this is how we will eventually have that Kitchen in the Jetsons where you press a button and what ever you want is made for you

          I remember Neil Degrasse Tyson had tried beef made in a lab years ago and he's still here. He said it was going to be available soon. He wasn't lying
          Hmm I wonder did he eat it for atleast year, like a human trial? A bad food future I keep seeing something is looking like Demolition man universe.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Somebodysunclephil View Post

            Hmm I wonder did he eat it for atleast year, like a human trial? A bad food future I keep seeing something is looking like Demolition man universe.
            I could live without taco bell lol

