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It might pop off in Africa.

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  • It might pop off in Africa.

    It's good to see many Africans standing up for themselves against their colonizers. They also need to add the Arab world to the list.

  • #2
    I still don't understand. How is African leaders siding with Putin and Xi good again? Maybe its because I live here in the US, but it just seems more useful to have someone who want to fight for the crooked democracy, rather than just straight up ruling over you.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Somebodysunclephil View Post
      I still don't understand. How is African leaders siding with Putin and Xi good again? Maybe its because I live here in the US, but it just seems more useful to have someone who want to fight for the crooked democracy, rather than just straight up ruling over you.
      It really isn't good. Neither country cares about the well-being of Africa, as a whole. Africans are going to have to depend on other Africans if progress is to be made.


      • Somebodysunclephil
        Somebodysunclephil commented
        Editing a comment
        I agree, It just this is fixing to set us/them back even more. I really don't get the greed.

    • #4
      Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post

      It really isn't good. Neither country cares about the well-being of Africa, as a whole. Africans are going to have to depend on other Africans if progress is to be made.


      • #5
        "Viva" Africa it's about time they outing ( expelling) the Burlin Conference attendees.


        • #6
          Originally posted by Zaimah View Post
          "Viva" Africa it's about time they outing ( expelling) the Burlin Conference attendees.
          Exactly bruh.

