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Black families need fathers — not reparations for slavery.

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  • Black families need fathers — not reparations for slavery.

    Bruh, speak for yourself. Why do so many people have a problem with American blacks getting reparations? I don't know if this guy is black or not. However, many of black people's problems would be significantly reduced if they got reparations.
    Leave it to Elon Musk to tweet a message that perfectly encapsulates the truth about reparations for slavery. At a time when the push for reparations is gaining steam nationwide, Musk’s mid-December missive — “It is easy to fool people, but it is almost impossible to convince people that they have been fooled” — has never felt more relevant. Over the past 50 years, progressives and self-appointed black leaders have fooled many Americans. They’ve...

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    Bruh, speak for yourself. Why do so many people have a problem with American blacks getting reparations? I don't know if this guy is black or not. However, many of black people's problems would be significantly reduced if they go reparations.

    So should we get reparations since we grew up with fathers?

    This what people don't think about when they talk out they ***. If Black people in the past got the same incentive of white people like affordable housing and stable incomes, we'd be a lot more stable


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post


      So should we get reparations since we grew up with fathers?

      This what people don't think about when they talk out they ***. If Black people in the past got the same incentive of white people like affordable housing and stable incomes, we'd be a lot more stable

