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Sleep quality is more important than how long you sleep: study.

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  • Sleep quality is more important than how long you sleep: study.

    This information is pretty useful.
    A new study published in the academic journal Sleep suggests that a good night’s sleep is more important than the duration of sleep. 

  • #2

    I think my question is related to this, Should I go all out and have my neighbor/brother have to move? I live in a compartment, I didn't realize until after being there a month or so they were poor inside construction when it came to sound. This brother is a bass head (the car and home) weekends I don't care, even though I am off one of the days and sometimes want to sleep. But just the random times and sometimes late at night during the week, come on. I have visited the brother once and let him know in it's way loud, I even asked does hear my stuff, in order to check if maybe his loudness was in response, he said no. He say he understood and I said let me know if you here my stuff, I do surround too, but don't go crazy with my bass module. So I even suggested so he probably would have to adjust much is if he could just move that away from my wall. I say all this to say it still continues just less often. I go with the route of having him move out, because I don't want to spend more money right now and I have noticed most of his interactions end up with sticks either being drawn threatened and that's only going to derail me not him. Just my question / thought


    • #3
      Originally posted by Somebodysunclephil View Post
      I think my question is related to this, Should I go all out and have my neighbor/brother have to move? I live in a compartment, I didn't realize until after being there a month or so they were poor inside construction when it came to sound. This brother is a bass head (the car and home) weekends I don't care, even though I am off one of the days and sometimes want to sleep. But just the random times and sometimes late at night during the week, come on. I have visited the brother once and let him know in it's way loud, I even asked does hear my stuff, in order to check if maybe his loudness was in response, he said no. He say he understood and I said let me know if you here my stuff, I do surround too, but don't go crazy with my bass module. So I even suggested so he probably would have to adjust much is if he could just move that away from my wall. I say all this to say it still continues just less often. I go with the route of having him move out, because I don't want to spend more money right now and I have noticed most of his interactions end up with sticks either being drawn threatened and that's only going to derail me not him. Just my question / thought
      If it's really bothering you, then yeah. You might have to ask him to move.

