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The African American exodus from New York City.

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  • The African American exodus from New York City.

    New York hasn't been good since the 90's. When I was coming up, if you came from New York, you were highly thought of. Now, you have blacks trying to flee New York, as well as California for the South. There are too many migrants in New York, and I can already bet that many people in NY are racist. Is anybody on here from New York? Tell us, how is it?
    While the city’s overall population grows, the number of non-Hispanic Blacks continues to tumble; an epicenter of the change is Bed-Stuy.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    New York hasn't been good since the 90's. When I was coming up, coming if you came from New York, you were highly thought of. Now, you have blacks trying to flee New York, as well as California for the South. There are too many migrants in New York, and I can already bet that many people in NY are racist. Is anybody on here from New York? Tell us, how is it?
    Growing up in VA everyone wanted to be from NY. But NY ain't what it used to be. Ain't nobody popping from there since mid 2000.

    But maybe they can start shifting districts down here


    • #3
      Exactly bruh. It was a big thing to come from Up North back in the day. NY was the place to be. Now, it's dead there. It's been dead since the 2000's. It's definitely a place where I wouldn't want to live at.


      • #4
        I use to live in North Jersey close to NYC....there were still a few African-Americans living in the area all the way through the early 2000s

        In my town in North Jersey half of the black kids were carribea and half of them were Black-Americans nowadays though when u go to the NYC area u rarely see black-americans at all, most of them moved away.

        Begging in the 80s black Americans began to move away from NYC and the NYC area...this lasted all the way up to the 2000s decade...nowadays most of the blacks in NYC area are carribean

        NYC culturally is not the same fun city since Black Americans no longer live there..black Americans were the ones who made it cool to be from NYC.
        Last edited by TheShip WillSail; 02-13-2023, 06:48 PM.

