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America’s Most Miserable Cities, Ranked.

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  • America’s Most Miserable Cities, Ranked.

    I quickly sped through the list. My city, Oakland wasn't on there. I'm kind of surprised about that.
    These miserable American cities are places you should never move to, based on data from the U.S. census. If you're planning a move right now, you’ll thank us after you read through this list.

  • #2
    Dang that website is broken, the ads will not let you go the next page after you select next.
    Wanted to see if Houston finally made it. But yep no California right now and no racists Florida.
    I wanted to move to Colorado or Arizona because I like cool dry kind rocky environments, but they got their own type racism going on in them if correct with Farmers issues threats in Colorado itself.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Somebodysunclephil View Post
      Dang that website is broken, the ads will not let you go the next page after you select next.
      Wanted to see if Houston finally made it. But yep no California right now and no racists Florida.
      I wanted to move to Colorado or Arizona because I like cool dry kind rocky environments, but they got their own type racism going on in them if correct with Farmers issues threats in Colorado itself.
      I hear you bruh.


      • #4
        It's a lot of cities in the Southwest and Midwest.

        Them flyover states looks miserable

