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Fast Food worker, 19, loses right eye after being punched by a man bullying a special needs kid.

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  • Fast Food worker, 19, loses right eye after being punched by a man bullying a special needs kid.

    Why does the cat punching the woman look like NBA Youngboy? It's a shame that she had to lose her eye.

  • #2
    SMH, I hate she lost her eye being manager is not easy at all. I was almost coerced to do this when I had to work at tacocobana for a minute. I was in training, let me run it for some time with only management being phone call. But from my meat not showing up on time, so my prep workers can work it before their time to go home, or I will have to do it, while watching the other workers making sure they are doing their job, some trying to sneak off and smoke while doing the trash, not enough people to prep and make fresh tortillas, etc.. it was many day where I just wanted fired everyone and close for that day. But one of those days I did send everyone home except one other person and myself. Never had issues with customers like that because I'm man.


    • #3
      I hear you bruh. I bet being a manager is not easy.

