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What they do for fun VS what we* do for fun...

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  • What they do for fun VS what we* do for fun...

    I say this not to say there aren't us there a interested in this type of stuff, I am obvousily one of them. But to actually get to do it or even get in to it. You already have to be white, asian, mexican, or denounce the core aspects of you belonging/part to the black people. Then those of that are rich, wealthy. I still don't see it. (But I am not actively looking per se.) But I know anytime I am seeing some immature stuff or just some stuff dealing science do it yourself stuff, its the same races. This is why I feel African continent will never be able to have it owns military. We can buy the systems like other countries do. But if you don't know the foundations of how to make it yourself. You lose by default because they are going to know all the things down to materials to defeat(Not make it work correctly) what they sold you.

  • #2
    I am determined I want to try and get some drone practice. I think I may have to just get my own and try to find some where sneaky to fly it until I can find or move to a area where I can fly.
    I think FPV training is definitly the way of the future. How can we be good at using them predators and the cheaper variants coming. I want to get a dji one they have the biggest range, but that company is Chinese.


    • #3
      It's not easy. Start with a cheap one like for 30 dollars


      • #4
        Drone training

