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China set to buy up and occupy the entire African continent.

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  • China set to buy up and occupy the entire African continent.

    What do you all think about this? Why are African leaders allowing this to happen?

  • #2
    Very interesting point you put a cross. Let me explain in the best way that I can. The West has very much exploited everything in Africa as best as they can. Most African countries have either benefited politically but In fairness it has been a struggle for the African people of the continent dealing with the West when it comes to their colonial past or empty-handed promises for example France and their heavy-handedness when it comes to former French colonies in Africa. Now a new member of the exploitation is now on the hands of the East Russia ,China and other countries from the East want to exploit the resources and economic power of all the citizens of the African continent for their own power struggle against the West. Let me make this very clear there is going to be a new power struggle in handling the new resources in the African continent. Remember Africa has the only valuable resources and the entire planet they are a prime target for all of the major superpowers. The one thing that these countries do not understand is that the African continent is powerful on its own. The African continent has its own form of untapped potential and being able to re-establish and reinvest into their own countries. In my opinion Africa if you connect all of the countries can be its own superpower and its economic growth, and the youngest per capita in the entire planet when it comes to population. There is a future but they also need to be able to control their own destiny. One day Black people as a whole in the African continent is going to have to rise up and show the world they must be respected.


    • #3


      • #4
        This is the Africans fault. The government has failed the people because it is all about money, not the people. What is going to happen is when the people realize they got screwed they'll rebelled and they'll fight but they will get blown back because China has a better military so we will see guerilla warfare for decades.


        • #5
          There is nothing saying that we can't take it back from them if this does happen. But if we continue down the same path of meaningless bull**** that we've been stuck on then we'll never liberate our people.

          Wise man once said nothing is ever lost forever. The sun will fall and rise again.


          • #6
            Originally posted by OJ006 View Post
            Very interesting point you put a cross. Let me explain in the best way that I can. The West has very much exploited everything in Africa as best as they can. Most African countries have either benefited politically but In fairness it has been a struggle for the African people of the continent dealing with the West when it comes to their colonial past or empty-handed promises for example France and their heavy-handedness when it comes to former French colonies in Africa. Now a new member of the exploitation is now on the hands of the East Russia ,China and other countries from the East want to exploit the resources and economic power of all the citizens of the African continent for their own power struggle against the West. Let me make this very clear there is going to be a new power struggle in handling the new resources in the African continent. Remember Africa has the only valuable resources and the entire planet they are a prime target for all of the major superpowers. The one thing that these countries do not understand is that the African continent is powerful on its own. The African continent has its own form of untapped potential and being able to re-establish and reinvest into their own countries. In my opinion Africa if you connect all of the countries can be its own superpower and its economic growth, and the youngest per capita in the entire planet when it comes to population. There is a future but they also need to be able to control their own destiny. One day Black people as a whole in the African continent is going to have to rise up and show the world they must be respected.
            There can't be a "one day" it's now or never. Everyone is not going to agree to all have their own share of the pie, more than one person at the table is going to decide he wants it for himself and his people. More blood is going to be shed and the remaining fragments left behind by our african ancestors will either be taken and put in museums or lost forever.


            • #7
              I don't feel a superficial connection to people from the land my ancestral family came from. I've never been to Africa and I don't have the time or the patience to even begin dealing with the problems on the African continent, even if I wanted to. I'll be happy If I can change anything in the country where I live to make life better for people like me and close to me. Most people who emigrate to America do so to improve their lives through big risks that ultimately would just get them sent back. Here ADOS risk is meet with death too often. African immigrants culture is not Black culture. They don't help us thought they could, and we can't help them though we'd like to.

