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The path to our glory has always been there

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  • The path to our glory has always been there

    The biggest weakness of our opponents is they have to follow their own rules (police who killed are black brothers were due a fair trial before all else). And they expect us to follow their rules and use law enforcement and threats of death and imprisonment if we disobey. But the thing is that there have been 3 things we have constantly overlooked and have not considered just how destructive they can be and how we can use them to our advantage to gain our liberation.

    These three things are economic warfare, artificial intelligence, and autonomous technology. Since the government relies heavily on our tax dollars to fund and protect it's interests this means that it NEEDS people to work, and it needs those people to receive some kind of income so that they don't have to pump their own money in their own economy. Economic warfare is about putting as many of our competitors out of business and dominating the economy as a whole through efficiency and innovation and making sure that none of our competitors could ever hope in competing with us again. People need jobs and the government needs money, but think about what would happened if you severed that link.

    The second is artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is one of the stepping stones to superintelligence, and superintelligence can help us traverse beyond our current comprehension as humans. If we use AI for what it was originally intended for and that is to teach and learn from, then we can eventually reach a new level of understanding as black men.

    My final point is autonomy. Autonomy is basically a computer slave in which you give it a direction and it can perform without any human intervention and usually would be engineered to perform better and more efficiently than humans. It is also intended to be a replacement for some human activity (driving, flying, weapons etc) and taking advantage of this would mean we use autonomous technology to save us time and invest our efforts into more important activities.

    If we don't take advantage of this new era of innovation that we are living in then we will have lived for nothing and died as slaves l.

  • #2
    I agree

