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Black People (especially pro-black) need to stop using Caucasian coined terms

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  • Black People (especially pro-black) need to stop using Caucasian coined terms

    Especially when you refer to another brother as "Coon," but most recently the concept of "Alpha Male" and here is why:

    "David Mech (white man) introduced the idea of the alpha to describe behavior observed in captive animals. Alphas, he wrote in his 1970 book "The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species," win control of their packs in violent fights with other males. But he abandoned the idea after observing how other wolves behave because wolves act much like humans.


  • #2
    So what else do you call them?


    • #3
      Originally posted by 400years View Post
      So what else do you call them?
      Call who exactly?


      • #4
        I will use any word that matches the meaning I hope to convey through my words. I don't care about useless language codes. All language is made up and used to share meaning. Sticking to some nonsense language standard is a waste of time, ultimately.


        • #5
          Me myself I don't see nothing wrong with using the term because we all use some of the caucasians' words in everyday language here in the United States of America but I guess some people don't like some words that's being used now.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kcdjunique View Post
            Me myself I don't see nothing wrong with using the term because we all use some of the caucasians' words in everyday language here in the United States of America but I guess some people don't like some words that's being used now.
            I'm mostly referring to historically derogatory term used towards blacks e.g. coon


            • #7
              Originally posted by GreenJagWar View Post
              Sticking to some nonsense language standard is a waste of time, ultimately.
              That makes no sense because we live by alphabetical rules, spelling rules, grammatical rules, all the time.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Yautja View Post

                That makes no sense because we live by alphabetical rules, spelling rules, grammatical rules, all the time.
                We follow those 'rules' but they have no hold over the sounds our mouths make. Much of our actual communication breaks all of those rules often. And I'm not just talking about poor or less educated people. The rules of language only exist because they help us communicate but if we find that they aren't helping us then screw them.

