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Black People and Mental Health

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  • Black People and Mental Health

    I'm sure most of you are aware of the whole Simone Biles situation regarding her mental health situation that caused her to pull out of the Olympics. A few things that I've noticed. First off, the condemnation she received especially on social media has a racial component. In some of the groups I was in the pushback largely came from whites (I'm making this assumption not only due to their picture but that damn eagle picture they want to put on Facebook to hide their identity). The second, in part is the black community such as YouTubers who make these stupid videos trying to use pseudoscience like astrology and talking about knowing energies and all that crap to explain why she may be suffering. The third again with black folks, is the religious component such as I've heard things like "that is because she is not right to the Lord." Need I remind people that this young lady was sexually abused by a man on her team who she trusted, and it wasn't just her, it was several of her teammates. I find it extremely insensitive that our community make these bull crap explanations that have no bearing on truth, nor on the reality of mental health, As someone who has a graduate degree in social work specializing in psychiatric demographic and soon to get a second masters in public health, I'm ashamed that we blacks or at least some of us, who aren't knowledgeable about the Diagnostic Statistical Manual or DSM, make these ridiculous explanations as to what makes someone who is going through mental distress and what is their cause. You see, I don't care about what the white community said about Ms. Biles because it is to be expected because as a black woman, she did not live up to THEIR expectations. But as black people in the United States, this is a time to rally, not use pseudoscience or religion for condemnation.

    I personally feel our community is extremely ignorant on mental health and I think it largely evolves from cultural African slave folklore, and the adoption of European version of Christian pre and post slavery in the United States. So now we have developed, unfounded, unscientific explanations as to why people behave abnormally because somehow they're not right with God or they're possessed. As a professional not as some forum member, if you believe this please stop. There is a real developmental psychopathology that exists as to why people behave they do. This young girl probably didn't have the proper resources to mitigate her mental distress so she used her professional athleticism to hide it but hey, who knows? Many people who deal with mental issues tend to turn to other things that block out those stressors. Some turn to drugs, alcohol, prostitution or adult entertainment etc. When both my parents died I drank heavily, not only was my dad an alcoholic but I became one almost losing my job. I sincerely hope we as a community can evolve collectively and have awareness as to what mental health is, how to mitigate the issues not only for ourselves but our loved ones, and further educate each other.