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This video made me think of, so what is the selection of people I should be looking at to pick, if I'm voting?

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  • This video made me think of, so what is the selection of people I should be looking at to pick, if I'm voting?

    Is it too early to know? All the people in the news all still seem to suck or I don't see how they are connected to make anything major happen one way or another.
    I will say I thought I was seeing a pattern of when stuff is not going right, they throw a none white in their to fix it. Like for example if we were possibly getting ready to directly engage in war some where, I feel a black candidate would all of sudden be around for president or something, I mean look who's the secretary of defense. But I could be completely off with that.

    Anyways but yes I have not seen yet who are the group of people I should be checking boxes for in Houston, Texas? Apologize in advance if I have missed a good vid or something that was put out by someone.