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Who is interested in joining a YouTube Channel?

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  • Who is interested in joining a YouTube Channel?

    I have a couple YouTube channels that I'm looking for ppl to join...u don't even have to show ur face on camera! I broadcast from streamyard where u only have to use a microphone

    I have two channels , one about the black male experience in America and the other about the Bible/the end times .......

    Comment below if ur interested ....I want to do Livestreams 3-4 days out of the week
    Last edited by TheShip WillSail; 12-12-2022, 05:31 PM.

  • #2
    This does sound tempting, but I'm not going to lie I don't know how consistent I would be able to be. I don't even schedule what people to play video games and that something I like to do. But I think I do or am curious to see how many folks when through or going through my version. Or if it's really just all in my head.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Somebodysunclephil View Post
      This does sound tempting, but I'm not going to lie I don't know how consistent I would be able to be. I don't even schedule what people to play video games and that something I like to do. But I think I do or am curious to see how many folks when through or going through my version. Or if it's really just all in my head.
      Which channel would u be interested in, the one about the black male plight, or the one about the Bible/end times or maybe even both?


      • Somebodysunclephil
        Somebodysunclephil commented
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        The black male plight / bible portion, I don't have a way to go as far back as would be needed to talk about the information I'm interested in. But my views on Bible is not for everybody. I did plan to make as one of things on my what I call (art bucket list) Is a CGI of the demon entites described in the bible, because I just know I saw this really scary movie that was supposed to be religous movie but their depiction of satan coming to earth and people being in hell was on some other stuff. But then again I'm wondering if that was something I seen in a nightmare/ dream or something as a kid. But if I recall iI think it was a movie.

      • Somebodysunclephil
        Somebodysunclephil commented
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        I am interested though, so if you end up doing it, will definetely try to keep eye out when you post info about it. Currently applied for second Js is partly why I say I may not be able to be consistent. With you know some times bouts of depression, (I'm loner) make you tired and vice versa over working can make you tired and depressed. Thus at those times I'm not very productive so often don't do stuff.

    • #4
      Once it's on the net. It's forever.

      No one is allowed to have a difference of opinion once something is recorded.

      I'd do a clubhouse type discussion about the BMs plight.

      Religion is something that can go left quick. I'd pass on that

