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Hidden Colors Museum Vandalized.

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  • Hidden Colors Museum Vandalized.

  • #2
    Shouldn't that be investigated as a hate crime?


    • #3
      I will wait for all the facts to come in. I doubt folks care that much about that museum.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Deejay5102 View Post
        Shouldn't that be investigated as a hate crime?
        It should be.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post
          I will wait for all the facts to come in. I doubt folks care that much about that museum.
          Yeah. I hear you. There was a group of latinos or whites that held a banner on a bridge saying bad stuff about ADOS. They are calling it a hate group. One thing I notice about other groups, is that they will try their best not to ever let blacks get ahead without them whining and complaining about it. If we get something in our favor, then other groups, especially latinos, want the same thing.


          • Deejay5102
            Deejay5102 commented
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            Other groups really have no right to complain. They volunteered to come here way after all the hard work was done... We been here for centuries and our situation is different and should NEVER be compared out liken to their situation....

          • Deejay5102
            Deejay5102 commented
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            I don't see how the fix their hateful faces up to call ADOS a hate group...

        • #6
          Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post

          Yeah. I hear you. There was a group of latinos or whites that held a banner on a bridge saying bad stuff about ADOS. They are calling it a hate group. One thing I notice about other groups, is that they will try their best not to ever let blacks get ahead without them whining and complaining about it. If we get something in our favor, then other groups, especially latinos, want the same thing.
          Exactly bruh. Our situation is totally different from other ethnic groups. For some reason; however, people don't want to see American blacks get anything. Other groups can get bills passed, and everything else. However, black Americans can't get anything without other groups getting angry, and whining about it. It makes me angry. They want black Americans to be a permanent underclass.


          • #7
            Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post

            Yeah. I hear you. There was a group of latinos or whites that held a banner on a bridge saying bad stuff about ADOS. They are calling it a hate group. One thing I notice about other groups, is that they will try their best not to ever let blacks get ahead without them whining and complaining about it. If we get something in our favor, then other groups, especially latinos, want the same thing.
            You're right. It's like Latinos feel underrepresented in Hollywood as if that is Black people's fault even though they have several channels dedicated just to their demographic.

            Even Asians using Affirmative Action against us bc colleges are rejected them. Instead of addressing the colleges, they attack the program.


            • #8
              Deejay5102 That's exactly how I feel about any immigrant who complains about America. They always have somewhere to go back to. This is our home. These colors don't run.


              • #9
                Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

                You're right. It's like Latinos feel underrepresented in Hollywood as if that is Black people's fault even though they have several channels dedicated just to their demographic.

                Even Asians using Affirmative Action against us bc colleges are rejected them. Instead of addressing the colleges, they attack the program.


                • #10
                  jasondreamweaver I agree. They can always go home and build up their country.... Hell, we gave them the blueprint on how to do it.....
                  And I agree, they have whole channels dedicated to their demographic... We have none....I DO NOT count BET as one....


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by Deejay5102 View Post
                    jasondreamweaver I agree. They can always go home and build up their country.... Hell, we gave them the blueprint on how to do it.....
                    And I agree, they have whole channels dedicated to their demographic... We have none....I DO NOT count BET as one....
                    It's like they think waltz in here like they did across the border and get the same rights as us bc they work cheap lol


                    • Deejay5102
                      Deejay5102 commented
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                      It's planned that way....in NYC and ny in general they are welcoming these illegals... They are seeing them up to replace us... Is disgusting how a Black mayor in NYC is on board with this...they are rolling out the red carpet for these ppl who don't even speak English.... My Black @$$ can't go to their home and demand their government cater to my non Spanish speaking @$$.... This country is gonna pay for disenfranchising BlackADOS...

                  • #12
                    Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

                    It's like they think waltz in here like they did across the border and get the same rights as us bc they work cheap lol
                    Exactly. I can't figure out why they wait to get over here, to make this country great. Why can't they use the same skills that they have over here, and make Mexico great? They are just flooding in this country with their racist views.


                    • #13
                      Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post

                      Exactly. I can't figure out why they wait to get over here, to make this country great. Why can't they use the same skills that they have over here, and make Mexico great? They are just flooding in this country with their racist views.
                      And their third world views. They do bring diseases that we eradicated centuries ago. I remember the polio outbreak at Disney Land


                      • #14
                        Exactly. I notice this about Africans, and other immigrant groups. They do great over here, in a country that our ancestors built. However, they are unable to achieve the same thing in their homelands. Then, they have the nerve to look down on Black Americans, or FBA. These other groups can't look down on us for anything. I have came across Africans out here in the Bay who really soured me on them as a whole. From jealous Ethiopians, to arrogant Nigerians, my encounter out here with them wasn't good at all. Especially, the women.


                        • Somebodysunclephil
                          Somebodysunclephil commented
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                          That looked downed on thing, I used to experience big time on the southwest side of Houston a lot of Nigerians, had a few stores, but their stores were in the ghetto areas, so that may have contributed. But yes even if you presented yourself as stand up solid brother, they still will look down on you. I get the perception that we should have more stuff poppin, but they didn't take in to account it just a different set of challenges in this enviroment.

                      • #15
                        I think I could rock it in a African country I just would need access to some decent internet atleast 1/2 of the day, electricity preferrellably half of the day from utilities, then could maybe do some tesla/china batteries to store power unless someone black already know how to make high density batteries for storage. A lady (not a biggums). There has to be some type of mass grain or vegetable/fruit that can still be grown on the land. I hope it all wasn't sold,taken, illegally mined off. I remember reading and watching a video about Brazil or just one of the popular earth forest have gone down, they were cut, land sold etc..
                        Last edited by Somebodysunclephil; 12-05-2022, 10:54 AM. Reason: typing too fast fixing mistakes.


                        • Deejay5102
                          Deejay5102 commented
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                          I don't know why some Africans have the nerve to look down on our ghettos.... Their ghettos are 100 times worse....their hatred is stemmed from unjustified envy and jealousy because they feel even tho we (our ancestors) got sold into slavery we still ended up with better half of the bargain, and they mad about that....they don't know our history nor struggle in this country so they have no right to look down on any of us...the heavy work was done already, they are just benefitting from all the blood spilled....they should be ashamed of themselves....
                          That is why I don't respect Akon cuz he made his game from Black American culture and then turn around and talk crazy about us....