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  • #16
    Originally posted by Somebodysunclephil View Post
    I think I could rock it in a African country I just would need access to some decent internet atleast 1/2 of the day, electricity preferrellably half of the day from utilities, then could maybe do some tesla/china batteries to store power unless someone black already know how to make high density batteries for storage. A lady (not a biggums). There has to be some type of mass grain or vegetable/fruit that can still be grown on the land. I hope it all wasn't sold,taken, illegally mined off. I remember reading and watching a video about Brazil or just one of the popular earth forest have gone down, they were cut, land sold etc..
    Deejay5102 commented
    1 hour ago
    I don't know why some Africans have the nerve to look down on our ghettos.... Their ghettos are 100 times worse....their hatred is stemmed from unjustified envy and jealousy because they feel even tho we (our ancestors) got sold into slavery we still ended up with better half of the bargain, and they mad about that....they don't know our history nor struggle in this country so they have no right to look down on any of us...the heavy work was done already, they are just benefitting from all the blood spilled....they should be ashamed of themselves....
    That is why I don't respect Akon cuz he made his game from Black American culture and then turn around and talk crazy about us....​
    Exactly. Before I moved to California, I never really had any experiences with African people. However, when I moved out to Cali, I started to have a whole lot of experiences with them; and most of them weren't good. Before I even knew what was going on, they were already treating me with an attitude. They had the "I'm better than you." attitude towards American blacks. I have had some bad experiences with Ethiopians and Nigerians. I wrote a whole chapter about it in my book. Many Ethiopians that I met were insanely jealous of their women looking at American Black Men. They don't see all of us as black. I almost got into a fight with an Ethiopian dude back then, over my now ex[-wife. With Nigerians, I have to be honest, I had more problems with the Nigerian women than I did with the Nigerian men out in public. Those women act like they are so much better than you. It got to the point where I didn't like African women anymore.

    They look down their nose at American black males.


    • #17
      Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post

      Exactly. Before I moved to California, I never really had any experiences with African people. However, when I moved out to Cali, I started to have a whole lot of experiences with them; and most of them weren't good. Before I even knew what was going on, they were already treating me with an attitude. They had the "I'm better than you." attitude towards American blacks. I have had some bad experiences with Ethiopians and Nigerians. I wrote a whole chapter about it in my book. Many Ethiopians that I met were insanely jealous of their women looking at American Black Men. They don't see all of us as black. I almost got into a fight with an Ethiopian dude back then, over my now ex[-wife. With Nigerians, I have to be honest, I had more problems with the Nigerian women than I did with the Nigerian men out in public. Those women act like they are so much better than you. It got to the point where I didn't like African women anymore.

      They look down their nose at American black males.
      Yes Africans tend to see themselves as immigrants first until they are a victim of racism.

      And bc of that I never jump to any conclusions without hearing all the facts. Now I question their motives when they cry racism. And wait for the immigrant.community to save them.


      • #18
        Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

        Yes Africans tend to see themselves as immigrants first until they are a victim of racism.

        And bc of that I never jump to any conclusions without hearing all the facts. Now I question their motives when they cry racism. And wait for the immigrant.community to save them.
        Exactly. I do the same.

