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It looks like Ghana made an Iron Man suit for the military

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  • It looks like Ghana made an Iron Man suit for the military

    From all the countries in the world that we know of that have a form of a military industrial complex with weapons that are incredibly technologically advanced , I find that Ghana is one of the least that I can understand that do not have any advancements in their technology when it comes to the military . I found that incredibly wrong when I was scrolling through some shorts I found this video that Ghana made when it came to their technological advancements, and I found that they made some Iron Man suits for their soldiers as a technological demonstration for assuming it's parade . There's an old saying never judge a book by its cover . I learned a lesson very well .
    In January of 2019, Ghana, a country with nearly no military pretenses, took the world by storm - but perhaps not for the best reasons. During the 38th annua...