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The global backlash against The Little Mermaid proves why we needed a Black Ariel.

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  • The global backlash against The Little Mermaid proves why we needed a Black Ariel.

    The little mermaid bombed in China. However, everybody knows that China is racist. However, it still grossed over 100+ million dollars.
    The Little Mermaid drama continues, as racist backlash about the movie seems to have led to abysmal box office numbers in China and South Korea. Just like the hate campaign against the movie in the US (which included the infamous #notmyariel hashtag), Chinese and South Korean social media were inundated with bad, unverified reviews and outcry over the casting of a Black Ariel. Overall, the reaction wasn’t a surprise – Halle Bailey herself told...

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    The little mermaid bombed in China. However, everybody knows that China is racist. However, it still grossed over 100+ million dollars.
    What if it had to do with the interracial relationship. I'm not judging china until I hear them say why they didn't attend


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

      What if it had to do with the interracial relationship. I'm not judging china until I hear them say why they didn't attend
      I hear you bruh. Good point.


      • #4
        Another thing is to representation of the movie. We need more black lead movies more hands movies that are based on the ethnicity of that specific group. For example the Black Panther franchise in Marvel as well as for example crazy Rich Asians . The reason why I bring this up is that we are living in a world where people use the terminology of white versus right and it comes to representation in movies and it's getting very old because the populace is of a multicultural Society . If you bring movies like that you will get more people to watch the movies, both of the examples that I've shown up at the top have actually had very High profit outcomes after the movie was made and shown in the world. It proves that representation matters most when it comes to leads or stories based on people of color or hence black people.

