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Traumatized girl, 5, needs 50 stitches and staples in her face, scalp, neck and back after being savaged by a dog whose owner had invited her to pet it.

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  • Traumatized girl, 5, needs 50 stitches and staples in her face, scalp, neck and back after being savaged by a dog whose owner had invited her to pet it.

    Man, what a tragedy. That dog tore her face up. I had a bad encounter with a dog too when I was 4 years old. I got bit in the head by a dog. I had to get stiches. Fortunately for me, they healed very well. You can't even tell that it happened.
    Warning: Graphic Content - A five year old girl (L) is recovering after she was attacked by a dog in Florida. The owner said the recently adopted animal was 'good with kids' and let children pet it.