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Thirty organizations call for College Board CEO to resign over changes to AP African American studies course.

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  • Thirty organizations call for College Board CEO to resign over changes to AP African American studies course.

    For some reason, I can't figure out why many of these colleges don't want African-American studies taught. I guess they don't want people to know the truth about what happened, and continues to happen, to black people who live in this country.
    More than 30 LGBT advocacy organizations have signed a letter to the College Board demanding the resignation of CEO David Coleman after the organization modified its Advanced Placement African American studies course following criticism from Florida’s Department of Education. The letter alleges that the College Board lacked transparency in its conversations with the Florida Department…

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    For some reason, I can't figure out why many of these colleges don't want African-American studies taught. I guess they don't want people to know the truth about what happened, and continues to happen, to black people who live in this country.
    The course is still going on. Theyre protesting the removal of Black queer history not the removal of the reparations studies.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

      The course is still going on. Theyre protesting the removal of Black queer history not the removal of the reparations studies.
      Oh, I see.

