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Nuclear War Would Cause Billions To Die From Starvation. Study Says.

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  • Nuclear War Would Cause Billions To Die From Starvation. Study Says.

    Yeah, I hope that we don't have a nuclear war.
    Nuclear War Would Cause , Billions To Die From Starvation, , Study Says. 'The Hill' reports that a new study published in 'Nature Food' on Aug. 15 found that if the U.S. and Russia entered into a full-scale nuclear war. over 5 billion people would starve to death. . Researchers at Rutgers University came to that conclusion after calculating the amount of global crop yields that would suffer. They used a climate forecasting tool to predict how ash caused by nuclear explosions would move around the world and impair food production. . The model predicted that wind patterns would carry clouds of smoke and debris to the U.S., U.K., China and Germany which are all major food exporters. Decreased food exports would lead to increased famine across Africa and the Middle East. Within two years of a cease-fire, three-quarters of the global population would be starving. Four years after nuclear warfare, 90% of worldwide crop, animal and fishing yields would decline. Four years after nuclear warfare, 90% of worldwide crop, animal and fishing yields would decline. Alan Robock, study co-author, said nuclear war would undoubtedly "obliterate global food systems.". If nuclear weapons exist, they can be used, and the world has come close to nuclear war several times. Banning nuclear weapons is the only long-term solution, Alan Robock, study co-author, via 'The Hill'