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Teenage Boy Called 'Heartless' For Throwing Out Cupcakes Given To Him By A Girl He Says Is 'Stalking Him'

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  • Teenage Boy Called 'Heartless' For Throwing Out Cupcakes Given To Him By A Girl He Says Is 'Stalking Him'

    What do y'all think? Do you think that the guy was heartless. I know that women are very cruel to men that they don't like.

    People have called him cruel, but if the roles were reversed would we have any sympathy?

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    What do y'all think? Do you think that the guy was heartless. I know that women are very cruel to men that they don't like.

    If real, I'd support his reaction

    The timing of the story is odd since a girl just did the same thing and they were supporting the boy


    • #3
      Nah he did the right thing. The feelings aren't mutual and he had to let her know the deal before the situation escalated into something much more sinister.


      • #4
        Originally posted by JoeDueces View Post
        Nah he did the right thing. The feelings aren't mutual and he had to let her know the deal before the situation escalated into something much more sinister.
        I see. Good points.

