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America’s in the Midst of a Socioeconomic Shift.

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  • America’s in the Midst of a Socioeconomic Shift.

    I thought that this would be a pretty good read. I bet you a whole lot of these kids don't know how to drive a stick shift. I know how to drive a stick shift. I have been driving them since I was 18.

    Here goes the part that I was talking about, in case you got confused.

    Question of the Week

    How have cars shaped your life, and/or what do you think about their future? (I’m eager to hear anything from attacks on the automobile to defenses of the great American road trip to eagerness for driverless electric cars to laments that the kids these days don’t learn how to drive when they turn 16, let alone how to drive a stick shift. Do you hate your commute? Do you like toll roads? Do you love your Harley-Davidson? Do you regard the replacement of tactile stereo interfaces with touch screens as a scourge? If you want, you can even send me a paean to the rotary engine, if it’s well written.) As always, while you are opining on anything related to cars or trucks or even parking spaces or meters, I especially encourage stories and reflections rooted in personal experience.
    What we need next is more new construction.

  • #2
    Is that the right article


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post
      Is that the right article
      I believe that it is.

