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After An Upset Teacher Stormed Out Of A Classroom Saying She 'Won't Ever Be Back,' Students Are Being Urged To Be Kinder.

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  • After An Upset Teacher Stormed Out Of A Classroom Saying She 'Won't Ever Be Back,' Students Are Being Urged To Be Kinder.

    That's crazy. She quit right in the middle of class. I remember, back when I was in High School, I had a teacher who didn't teach AT ALL all year. She just gave us passing grades, and that was it. I really can't blame her though. Many of the students, me included, weren't there to learn. When I was in high school, I didn't care about learning at all. I got my high school diploma. However, when I got to college, I took college very seriously.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    That's crazy. She quit right in the middle of class. I remember, back when I was in High School, I had a teacher who didn't teach AT ALL all year. She just gave us passing grades, and that was it. I really can't blame her though. Many of the students, me included, weren't there to learn. When I was in high school, I didn't care about learning at all. I got my high school diploma. However, when I got to college, I took college very seriously.

    I always thought school was too long. That was my only issue but I feel no sympathy for these teachers.

    They know what they sign up for

