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White people keep asking me if my child is my own. How can I best respond?

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  • White people keep asking me if my child is my own. How can I best respond?

    Honestly, I don't feel too bad for Asians, the only thing that many of them do, is worship white people; especially, the women. This woman is crying and moaning because people ask if her baby is hers? A baby that she had with a white man? Man, I don't care bruh. Asians are some of the most racist people on Planet Earth.
    Dear Ms Understanding, I’m Asian and my partner is white. We have a 13-month-old together and sometimes at the park I get asked by white mothers, ‘whose child am I looking after?’. It doesn’t happen every week but enough that I’ve been upset by it and would like to know how to respond. These are women I will probably see regularly and I don’t want to get into a situation where they get defensive or, worse, make a big deal out of apologising....

  • #2
    This is not a new story from my point of view. I have friends who are either mixed race couple or just taking care of children, for say for example the kids want to have a slumber party with your black child. Whatever the situation is I find it curious that when white people ask that they don't realize how stupid that it sounds. Or the idea that they have to say something in order to figure out that there's a crime in amongst their Mists. Quite frankly if I could I would lecture them and tell them it's none of their business whether it is or not and if they do send a cop and I find out their name I will sue them for defamation. Stuff like that should never be in our lives whether we are black or we are not. White people have this tolerance of being greater than thou when it comes to seeing how we raise our families or how we adopt our families and how they think they are not our kids. And for those parents who have this situation happen to them stand up for yourself and tell them like it is.

