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How an FBI Informant Infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan to Prevent Prison Guards from Lynching a Black Man.

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  • How an FBI Informant Infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan to Prevent Prison Guards from Lynching a Black Man.

    That's a messed up thing having Klan members in law enforcement.
    Joe Moore's harrowing story is the subject of a documentary, Grand Knighthawk: Infiltrating the KKK, streaming April 27 on Hulu

  • #2
    I am all for throwing the whole damn thang away and starting over, but I am not trying to be here for that ****. Because I am the victim of this **** in the definition of the word, so I shouldn't have to suffer through the fixing/repairing. I have and already contribute to its existence/functioning.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Somebodysunclephil View Post
      I am all for throwing the whole damn thang away and starting over, but I am not trying to be here for that ****. Because I am the victim of this **** in the definition of the word, so I shouldn't have to suffer through the fixing/repairing. I have and already contribute to its existence/functioning.
      I hear you bruh.

