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Black Women Are Paying The Price For The Lack Of Black Sperm Donors Due To Racist And Discriminatory Requirements.

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  • Black Women Are Paying The Price For The Lack Of Black Sperm Donors Due To Racist And Discriminatory Requirements.

    Let's keep it real, many black women don't even want black children. I seriously doubt if black women are losing sleep over it. Many of them abort black babies. They never abort mixed ones.
    Assisted conception is a growing part of the maternal landscape. Whether it is a need because of infertility or a choice to parent independently, utilizing cryobanks (sperm banks) is no longer a taboo topic. Cryobanks and clinics are not required to report birth figures; however, CNN reports that since 2018 “roughly 30,000 to 60,000” babies have been… Continue reading Black Women Are Paying The Price For The Lack Of Black Sperm Donors Due To...

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    Let's keep it real, many black women don't even want black children. I seriously doubt if black women are losing sleep over it. Many of them abort black babies. They never abort mixed ones.
    That's a good point. How is voluntarily raising a child without a father going to help our community.

    I wonder why more people just don't adopt


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

      That's a good point. How is voluntarily raising a child without a father going to help our community.

      I wonder why more people just don't adopt
      Exactly bruh.

