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Is a future war over Taiwan winnable by either China or the US?

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  • Is a future war over Taiwan winnable by either China or the US?

    I guess it will trip me out if China and the U.S. go to war. I don't know who would win; honestly.
    A conversation with retired Maj. Gen. Mick Ryan, one of Australia’s premier military thinkers.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    I guess it will trip me out if China and the U.S. go to war. I don't know who would win; honestly.
    I hope we never find out. Let them have it.


    • Somebodysunclephil
      Somebodysunclephil commented
      Editing a comment
      We shoud not let them have it. That sounds like CHINA speak.

  • #3
    Have not HAD too my entire life, but definitely now absorbing and learning what it is to be modern day immigrant. Pretty much to survive and watch from the side lines means coming up you better have another location you can go too. I am ashamed to say I am just now starting my passport/visa whatever is needed to take residence for a while somewhere this year. As to why I have not been on here much. I shouldn't be doing 16hours at my age but iswhatitis.


    • #4
      I don't feel the US is in a good position to do war on multiple fronts. But at the same time I and I feel a lot other equate democracy with freedom , and communism/authoritarianism with not FREE but a not even nice veil of freedom prime example CHINA. Who in their right mind would want that all over the world.


      • #5
        We got more pressing issues here like mass shooting and voting rights.

        We don't need to send anymore money overseas

