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For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many non-blacks are so angry. There is no reason, AT ALL, except if they have some disability, for a non-black person to not make it in life. They have all of the advantages.

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  • For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many non-blacks are so angry. There is no reason, AT ALL, except if they have some disability, for a non-black person to not make it in life. They have all of the advantages.

    For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many non-blacks are so angry. There is no reason, AT ALL, except if they have some disability, for a non-black person to not make it in life. They have all of the advantages.
    Luke Skelton, 20, a far-right extremist, wrote the 'Reactionary British Manifesto', which he planned to release after carrying out the attack, a court heard.