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Black lesbian Harvard law grad is “silenced” for saying that transgender athletes have no place in women’s sports”

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  • Black lesbian Harvard law grad is “silenced” for saying that transgender athletes have no place in women’s sports”

    I have to agree. Transgender athletes need their own category.

    Black lesbian Harvard law grad is “silenced” for saying that transgender athletes have no place in women’s sports” (msn.com)

  • #2
    I find it interesting when it comes to black men or women, transgender or gay or lesbian issues within the black community there is always a double standard on the other side of the coin. What do I mean by that? If we start talking about issues of other groups all of a sudden the attack run happens with us even though we started the Civil Rights Movement for everyone. More and more I see a Reverse Racism or reverse targeted issues like transgenderism, or other categories of different issues and social and economic issues. The more I see this happen the more I have to start asking myself why am I here in the West ?


    • #3
      Originally posted by OJ006 View Post
      I find it interesting when it comes to black men or women, transgender or gay or lesbian issues within the black community there is always a double standard on the other side of the coin. What do I mean by that? If we start talking about issues of other groups all of a sudden the attack run happens with us even though we started the Civil Rights Movement for everyone. More and more I see a Reverse Racism or reverse targeted issues like transgenderism, or other categories of different issues and social and economic issues. The more I see this happen the more I have to start asking myself why am I here in the West ?
      I hear you bruh.

