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Women in Iran face up to ten years in jail for not wearing a hijab under harsh new laws 'aimed at suppressing females into total submission'.

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  • Women in Iran face up to ten years in jail for not wearing a hijab under harsh new laws 'aimed at suppressing females into total submission'.

    I guess women in the Middle East are going through their version of the Civil Rights Movement. Many black women always talk about how terrible black American men are. However, they have never experienced anything like this. Middle Eastern women are extremely oppressed.
    Those who breach the Islamic Republic's strict dress code already face harsh punishments and extrajudicial retaliation, but the new laws are 'aimed at suppressing women and girls into total submission.'

  • #2
    Originally posted by jboldeniv View Post
    I guess women in the Middle East are going through their version of the Civil Rights Movement. Many black women always talk about how terrible black American men are. However, they have never experienced anything like this. Middle Eastern women are extremely oppressed.
    Remember what happened to the BW trucker in Dubai who was being loud with a worker

    They took her passport and fined her.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasondreamweaver View Post

      Remember what happened to the BW trucker in Dubai who was being loud with a worker

      They took her passport and fined her.
      Yep. Black women always talk about how terrible black American men are, but we are the most lenient men around. Other men won't put up with black women's shenanigans.

