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Bill Cosby Released From Prison.

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  • Bill Cosby Released From Prison.

    Bill Cosby was released from prison yesterday. What do you all think about it?


  • #2
    I have two scenarios in this context with Bill Cosby. If he did do what he was convicted in doing these act sexual assault with these woman, yes he must get the full extent of the law and must be applied. Let let me ask you this..... how many white wealthy men have been convicted of the same if not worse acts of humanity like child/ sex trafficking, Sexual assault or other? statistically speaking they will get off Scott free or settle in secret. While Black men are a target of the justice system. This shows the society that the systems works in its twisted way, or as i like to call it a (revolving race door). Second scenario, if he was innocent and all of the bad actors with there fake proof tried to put the man in jail with no evidence,Bill Cosby must have ruffled some white feathers in the industry for him to ...... lets just say to put him in the trash. Let me be perfectly clear in this post. Whether he is innocent or not the justice system on black people is stacked against us because Numbers Don't lie, including money. We are a statistically always stopped, checked or shot by police. If we have power like Bill Cosby or others they will always put us in the chains because we are black and powerful, That scares society. That goes for anyone of power in entertainment, government, corporations, Education and so on. Our color on this planet is always a challenge. These are just my thoughts on this. Thank you.

